Wednesday, 22 February 2012

Manipulating an Image

Choose the Marquee tool- oval shape

Select- modify – feather

Change to 150 

Select- Inverse

Filter- Blur – Radical Blur

Zoom or Spin
Change to 80-90 

Press OK

Repeat the process as before..

But change to Zoom instead

Press Ok

To add a border, use the same Marquee tool and select the middle of the photograph.

Then feather the image

Image - Adjustments - Hue/Saturation

Inverse the selection                                        

Slide the 'lightness' bar to the left to make it as dark as you want. 

To blur the outside of a photograph...

Select the middle of the photo with the marquee oval tool

Filter - Blur - Gaussian Blur

Adjust the strength of the Blur 

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