Wednesday 14 December 2011

Fantasy Landscape

This is my fantasy landscape. I do like the outcome of the edit however some parts within the image are quite small but it still looks in proportion. Originally the mushrooms were a lot bigger than they are in the final image this is because the outline of the mushroom look too copy and pasted when it is in a larger scale, so I reduced the size to make it less obvious I also blurred the edges of the mushrooms but it didn't make much difference. I think next time i will take more time and care when selecting the mushrooms, there fore it would look a lot neater and I will be able to have them on a large scale. As the other images were off the internet they appeared quite pixelated as they are a small format compared to the image I took which again meant the images had to be small. If i did this again then I would take pictures of people to add into the landscape, then the pictures would be better quality and then can be made bigger and still keep the quality. To add the girl sitting on the mushrooms i printed off the original image and then cut it put and scanned it back into the computer, I think this was a much easier and faster way to add an image, however the image scanned in came out very small meaning it was pixelated like the ones off the internet. This is a good thing as the images ended up being the same size giving the correct proportion to each other but they look extremely small on the landscape and the quality is lost. 

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